Drawings from Class

 Doodle/Poem Assignment


Crossing paths with a purpose

Never in a million years would I have thought that crossing paths again would be so different!
From the way we spoke back then is nothing compared to how we speak now.
It's something about you that draws me closer to you... So powerful that i couldn't pull away even if I wanted to!
This is bigger than the physical ,yet deeper than the eyes can See.
You entered my life to show me what it was like to smile again.
yet you've been hurting continuously.
My heart aches for you because I see a part of you that needs healing,needs reviving ,needs the right comfort and love.
You camouflage everything you go through behind a smile and visible strength when I know your breaking away inside!
Wanting to cover all of those unseen wounds that you've carried for many years (some still open and others closed) with all of my love!
To show you how love was meant to be used and not how it was used in your past to only abuse your feelings!
I see so much In you... Although your eyes has been shaded with all that you've been going through.
I still see the best in you.
I want walk away, unless you want me to.
If by chance you do... Know that
All I want to do is pray for you... Embrace and comfort you.
Support and uplift you....
Love and appreciate you!
Cherish every moment that we can create!
Within crossing paths there was a purpose and that purpose is not to give up you....I believe in you....in fact I love you!

Ashley Poetic Flo

Two Object Drawing Assignment

I recorded the number of people who clicked on my BLM resource link and my coffee mug

Drawings of Spatial Depth

I drew a picture of my husband laying down while we were discussing Burton's course. I hadn't drawn him in awhile and he reminded me!

3D Creation/Transformation

This started off as a basic drawing. Then a ripping and folding session. It concluded with stacking post-its in a textile-style format.

Drawing of an "Image" Assignment

This is a drawing of my husband, my hero. He's currently battling some health issues right now and I am proud of him. His confidence gives me the motivation every day. 

Doodle that Becomes Something Assignment

It started with a simple drawing of a cat with a hat, then it became like a miso meditating warrior armored with artillery.

Something You've Never Drawn Before Assignment

This is my heater. 



Drawing Prompts from Dr. Iozzo's Students 

Favorite Holiday Memory 
This is a drawing of my family on Christmas morning a year ago. I remember the excitement of my daughter. I remember how quiet my son was as he looked over the tree and all of the gifts. My husband sat on the couch enjoying it all. 

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